
February 14, 2023
Holy Shenanigans
Just Keep Going with Therese Taylor-Stinson

May 24, 2022
Believe in Baltimore
Spiritual directors Therese Taylor-Stinson and Lisa Beacham join Pastors Tom and Billy for a conversation about spiritual direction (what is it, exactly?) and how we can each find our connection to the Divine and our callings as humans.

October 14, 2021
PCUSA 1001 Worshipping Communities, Part #1

October 14, 2021
PCUSA 1001 Worshipping Communities, Part #2

March 31, 2021
Lift Every Voice Book Club: Embodied Spirits with Therese Taylor Stinson (March 2021)
Abbey of the Arts
February 23, 2021
Everyone can be a Mystic | A conversation with Therese Taylor-Stinson
With Cassidy Hall for The Christian Century

April 17, 2019
Therese Taylor-Stinson: Silence, Contemplation, and Justice (Part One)
Written by Carl McColman