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MY BODY WEEPS by Leslye Colvin I am in the office and feel the need to maintain my composure as my inner voice screams. My tear ducts are dry but every cell of my being is weeping. Tomorrow will mark the first anniversary of my mother taking her last breath and...
A BRAIDING OF ARCHETYPES: FLOWER BUDS, A CHRYSALIS, THE PHOENIX By Leslye Colvin *Permission to use this post was granted by the writer (This was written in February as an assignment for a program of the Haden Institute concluding today.) My days with the Haden...
TO UNBIND by Leslye Colvin *Permission to use this post was granted by the writer Contemplation has the capacity to lead us to epiphanies on our journey. Several years ago, I began to contemplate John’s account of Jesus restoring Lazarus’ life. Few would argue that...
Posturing Ourselves for Soul Wisdom
Posturing Ourselves for Soul Wisdom On May 23rd 2014, poet supreme, Maya Angelou, posted the following words on Twitter: Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God. Five days later, she died. However, Maya Angelou’s spirit and legacy lives...
Am I Next?
Am I Next? During this time of social unrest, I invite you to sit with the powerful and uncomfortable emotions, such as anger or grief, that you may be carrying. Welcome them in the presence of God. As I often say, if we do not transform our pain, we will most...
Racism Is a Spiritual Issue
Racism Is a Spiritual IssueBy Therese Taylor-StinsonThe shooting of unarmed black men by law enforcement officers and lone vigilantes ambushing churches has exposed the lie of a "post-racial" America. The polarization, the violence, and the controversies make it seem...
Silence and the Oppressed
"This article was originally published in Next Church. The original article can be found here."Each month, we post a series of blogs around a common topic. This month, Rev. Michael McNamara is curating a series that will explore the theme of Christian contemplative...
Why People of Color Need Spaces Without White People
"This article was originally published in The Arrow: A Journal of Wakeful Society, Culture & Politics. The original article can be found here." I’m breathing deeply as I write this. What I’m writing about is charged. I feel this energy in my body. It’s a heat in...
#Me too #Times Up #Its on Us #My Story
I have been harassed, assaulted, and battered every decade of my life. Most of the perpetrators were men, but some women who were complicit in enabling for this to happen. Most of the perpetrators and the enablers were religious; they professed to be Christians. Some...
Celebrating 10 Years of the SDC Network
March 2018 marks 10 years since the first convening of the Spiritual Directors of Color Network, and December 2018 will mark 4 years of incorporation as the Spiritual Directors of Color Network, Ltd.!In that time, we have formulated a powerful Vision and Mission...